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- An Important Mineral for Healthy Hair Is Iron
An Important Mineral for Healthy Hair Is Iron
Jul 22, 2010
It is estimated that millions of people in the United States suffer from iron deficiency anemia. The three most common causes of anemia is caused by iron, folate and B-12 deficiencies, as well as other causes. Anemia that occurs with iron deficiency is also called hypochromic micocytic anemia. Men may have anemia, however it is more common among teenagers, and women whom experience a monthly cycle. There have been reported case were young girls as young as 7, 8 and 9 years old have begun puberty. During Consultation, I have experienced these hormonal changes in 7, 8 and 9 year old girls affecting the hair growth cycle. Parents be aware that generations have changed, where children are developing much earlier.
How is anemia measured? Anemia is measured in a blood test. This test measures red blood cells, with the normal reference range being approximately 11.5-15.5, depending on the testing laboratory. Another iron test is serum ferritin. The average reference ranges of ferritin are 15-170, depending on the testing laboratory. Telogen Effluvium (excessive shedding), and/or Alopecia (hair thinning), and/or hair brittleness and breakage may become prevalent if the range is below 12.0 or 70 in serum ferritin.
Symptoms of Anemia include:
Cravings to chew or eat Ice Low blood pressure
Cravings to eat Red Dirt Pale fingernail coloring
Cravings for Sweets or Chocolate Cold extremities
Dry hair Pale skin
Telogen Effluvium Fatigue
Hair thinning Shortness of breath
Lassitude Dizziness or Fainting
Headache Poor nutritional absorption
Spoon-shaped finger nails Poor scalp circulation
Eye change On goes the list
How do you cure Anemia? Have your blood work checked and monitored by your Medical Doctor. Often times you will be required to take Iron supplements or given a B-12 shot if you are extremely lower than average range. Iron is easily digested by your body, however many women complain about a constipation side effect. Diet combined with iron supplements will help to resolve anemia. A healthy body promotes healthy hair and scalp.
For additional questions contact Dr. Linda Amerson (817) 265-8854 or www.hairandscalpessentials.com
How is anemia measured? Anemia is measured in a blood test. This test measures red blood cells, with the normal reference range being approximately 11.5-15.5, depending on the testing laboratory. Another iron test is serum ferritin. The average reference ranges of ferritin are 15-170, depending on the testing laboratory. Telogen Effluvium (excessive shedding), and/or Alopecia (hair thinning), and/or hair brittleness and breakage may become prevalent if the range is below 12.0 or 70 in serum ferritin.
Symptoms of Anemia include:
Cravings to chew or eat Ice Low blood pressure
Cravings to eat Red Dirt Pale fingernail coloring
Cravings for Sweets or Chocolate Cold extremities
Dry hair Pale skin
Telogen Effluvium Fatigue
Hair thinning Shortness of breath
Lassitude Dizziness or Fainting
Headache Poor nutritional absorption
Spoon-shaped finger nails Poor scalp circulation
Eye change On goes the list
How do you cure Anemia? Have your blood work checked and monitored by your Medical Doctor. Often times you will be required to take Iron supplements or given a B-12 shot if you are extremely lower than average range. Iron is easily digested by your body, however many women complain about a constipation side effect. Diet combined with iron supplements will help to resolve anemia. A healthy body promotes healthy hair and scalp.
For additional questions contact Dr. Linda Amerson (817) 265-8854 or www.hairandscalpessentials.com
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